
Sweden 6

Maybe tomorrow, maybe the following day I'll get to an update. Planning and executing a boy's second birthday party is some kind of work. But there'll be pictures of Mikah and all his Swedish friends galore soon enough. There was a Cookie Monster piñata, a four layer cookie cake with the Cookie Monster's face on it (another Tina original), matching cupcakes, and Sesame Street colored cascarones (confetti-filled for cracking over heads (we're trying to start a new tradition (if you'll allow me the obvious contradiction) into the Swedish bloodstream)). I love parenthetical statements within parenthetical statements. Count the opening and closing parentheses just to check up on this English major.

I'm still waiting for any commentary from the Republic of Texas. Michelle, are you out there? Greetings to all over at Lubbock Baptist. To my brother, who has been leaving messages, you're too funny and I miss IMing with you (I'll blame it on the time difference and not on me not wanting to IM with you). Go Red Raiders!


Anonymous said...

What!?!? i am leaving messages too!!

René Saldaña, Jr. said...

I meant to add Anon too, but figured that I'd be messing with one's anonimity, which goes counter to the idea. So, sorry for the exclusion. I'll fix it on the next post.

Anonymous said...

Dear Anonymous, you can't have your cake and eat it too. Either you are anonymous or you are not.

Bro, excuses only serve those using them. I am at the beach with my wife, 2 daugthers & mother-in-law and still find time to IM (or is it cuz I am here with them to i 'find time' to IM))))) (those extra parenthesis are there to mess with you. Just think forever there will be a 'typo' on your site you can do noting about.))))

1620 but who is counting?

Anonymous said...

It is the anonymity of the internet that makes it what it is...

Unknown said...

1648 now, and what typo? I made sure to count the parentheses, and I edit my blog countless times. No proof of any errors.

Anonymous said...

I was referring to the uncounted )s when i commented.

René Saldaña, Jr. said...

If it's one thing I make sure I've got just the right amount of it's ()s.

mboller said...

Hey!!! I'm here.I bet you thought I wasn't checking the blog huh? I hope you guys are having a great time and you better bring me something great back from Sweden!!
We miss you guys!

On Glossaries and Italicizing

Author and creative writing teacher John Gardner contends that "the most important single notion in the theory of fiction" is that...