
Homework for Children's Lit

I'd like as many of you as visit the blog here this weekend to say something very nice about my son and drop me a line or two in the comments section here about where you are in terms of your children's lit narrative, the poetry packet, or your lesson plan. 

Sorry I didn't give you advance notice about the class getting a project/work day last Thursday. Things progressed quicker than we'd expected and we found out at noon or so that we had a couple of hours to get our "house in order," literally before having to be at the hospital for my wife's c-section. Thanks for being understanding.

The Latest Saldaña!

10/15/09: Jakob Finn Henning: 20 inches long, 7 lbs. & 3 oz. So there!


We Were Here by Matt de la Peña

Today Matt de la Peña's third novel for teens is out. It's called We Were Here, and well worth reading. Three unlikely friends are brought together in a juvie home, each of whom is dealing with some pretty hardcore demons. They hatch a plan to escape their present circumstances and head to Mexico, where they think they'll find solace and peace. There is some violence in the book, the language at times is rough, and there is alcohol abuse. The three boys become the best of friends, or as best as you can become under such circumstances, but it takes running away for them to find their ways back or out. READ IT!!!

Also check out his other books: Ball Don't Lie and Mexican WhiteBoy. And check out de la Peña's website: www.mattdelapena.com.

On Glossaries and Italicizing

Author and creative writing teacher John Gardner contends that "the most important single notion in the theory of fiction" is that...