
More More "Latest Reviews" of The Case of the Pen Gone Missing

My understanding of the following review is that it is done by a ten-year-old reader. I'm thinking, How can we writing/reading teachers get our own students to read and write at this level? It's huge. By "it" I mean both the review and that a ten-year-old wrote it. I'm not surprised, just exstactic that here's the proof that it can be done: http://www.mystery-books.com/2009/07/mystery-book-review-case-of-pen-gone.html.

1 comment:

Omnimystery said...

As confirmation, my niece, a 10-year-old, wrote the review mentioned by the author in this post. The book was provided to me by the publisher for review and I thought it would be interesting to have the book read and reviewed by a member of its target audience, as it were. I think she wrote a far more constructive review of the book than I would have as an adult!

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