Tomorrow we head to Halmstad (hay city, or more poetically, Le Cité du Hay) to a cabin in the south of Sweden. The smallish summer cabins that dot lake and seasides are called stugor, plural for a cottage into which we try and fit as many Neelys, and now Saldañas as we can over a couple or few days. I'll post pictures of this trip when we get back, maybe, because then it's Sunday and we're headed for Stockholm. But before we go, I want to drop a couple of photos: Some of them from Gränna, and some from other places (a church picnic at Texabo, the farm, where no one mentioned the pile of logs at the entrance--you'll also notice that the Saldañas are not the only brown folks in Sweden ¤¤I just noticed I cut these out by mistake and will repost later¤¤, and one of my baby-brother-in-law, Thomas (by special request all the way from deep South Texas); the Mustang; and our visit to different of the family gravesites where family members are responsible for the upkeep of the plots: planting flowers, watering, paying rent on, etc.) . One of the shots or two are of Lukas and Mikah by a rune stone.
Oh, by the way, did any of my Lubbockite friends who follow NASCAR notice that Jeff Gordon jumped from 10th in points to 6th? Just thought I'd rub that in. Oh, and Rachel, thanks for taking good care of ISBN and Cotton. We miss the cats a lot.

...the correct translation of Halmstad woud be "Straw city" straw beeing the lower end of the wheat, (or other types of grains), stem with which one could make oneself a lovely straw hat! Hay in Swedish is "hö" which would give us Höstad.
I would suggest a change of information source, apparntly the one you have now is feeding you false information.
best regards,
The Accuracy Police alias TAP
...and "apparantly" TAP cannot spell...
I'm beeeeeeeeeing confused here, because now there seems to be at least two Anonymouses, which is beeeing the cause of my confusion. Still, I will secure a second source as back up. But you've got to admit, Misspelling Anonymous, that the French translation-like thing was funny (in honor of Tigy, who's visiting Pariee right now). Besides, straw doesn't rhyme with Cité, now does it?
And too, what about that car?
Don't worry about Gordon. I would hate for you to get your hopes up. You know he won't stay there for long. Go Tony Stewart!!!!!!!
Thanks for the picture of Thomas:]
seems like he wont look @ the camera :p
i think u were right about the shy thing haha :]
I still say Go Jeff Go!!! It doesn't matter what Clorinda says. By the way...I got the Avon order. What happened to helping with the down payment for the house??? Just kidding!
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