
Sonia Nieto and Nikki Grimes Read My Latin@s In Kid Lit Post! And More!

So yeah, I got news from the folks over at Latin@s in Kid Lit that after two days my blog post "Forgive Me My Bluntness" had got 1,400 views (of which, I must admit, a bunch belong to me, but still).

Among all the 1,400 were a few notables: noted multiculturalist Sonia Nieto emailed me her response, and then I got a Tweet from Cindy Rodriguez in which she linked to Nikki Grimes' personal blog in which she posted the following: Grimes' "Mr. Cellophane," an essay on diversity in kids lit.

Do I have to say, I'm thrown for a loop, and am super honored that they read my piece, but how cool that another several hundred read it too.

On Glossaries and Italicizing

Author and creative writing teacher John Gardner contends that "the most important single notion in the theory of fiction" is that...